CA Final Registration Process

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CA Final Registration Process

Last updated on 31st Mar,2025 Eye Icon110

CA Final Registration Process for May and November 2025

CA finals are the third and final level of the CA (Chartered Accountancy) course, considered one of the most difficult exams in India. The ICAI conducts CA final exams twice yearly. This is the complete guide for the CA finals registration process, including fees, eligibility, validity, and admit card, along with study tips. The CA finals consist of two groups - Group I and Group II; each group has three papers.  The sixth paper offers six optional subjects. Candidates have to select one of those. Following the recent syllabus by ICAI, the number of papers has been reduced from eight to six, and some changes have also been made.

Group I consists of 3 core papers that are Financial Reporting, Advanced Financial Management and Advanced Auditing and Assurance.

Group II consists of 2 core papers and one optional paper, which are Direct Tax Laws & International Taxation , Indirect Tax Laws ( part I goods and services tax and part II Costumes & FTP and optional paper is Integrated Business Solutions.

How to Register for the CA Finals?

CA final exams are scheduled every year in May and November. The ICAI accepts registration for May from January 1 and for November, March 1, 2025, to March 14, 2025, without late fees. The last date to register is March 17, 2025 with late fee for November exams.

The process to register for the CA finals online through the SSP portal is given below :

1). Visit the ICAI's official website, go to the service portal, and log in. Enter your previous registration ID and password to log in.

2). On the next window, click on “click here “to get access to the Student SSP portal.

3).Select “student cycle“and then CA final course.

4). Now click on the “final” option, which will lead you to the CA final registration form.

5). Now, you'll see the registration home page where your basic details (of intermediate) are already mentioned. Please recheck them all and submit the required documents.

6). Fill in the required details to complete your profile and then save and proceed.

7). You must then pay CA final fees online.

8). Enter the Re-captcha to confirm the payment.

9). Once payment is successful, the system will generate your ICAI CA finals exam 2025 application pdf.

10). Students must wait for three correction windows, 1st to open if a student makes any mistakes or attempts to alter the language. 2nd for the location testing and 3rd for the elective papers.

11). Students must download the PDF containing the registration number and other necessary data for future reference.

Note: Once you successfully register for the CA finals course, you'll get a confirmatory email to your registered email ID via ICAI.

The students will get study materials at their address by ICAI. You can also log in to the Student dashboard and track the status of your registration.

CA Finals Registration Fees

For Indian students: 22000 for both groups.

For foreigners and NRI students: $1,100 for both groups.

Note: A late fee of 600 rupees will be applied if the exam form is submitted after the deadline.


For the CA, final 75% reduction concessions are available for some students:

1). Children of deceased ICAI members are eligible for 75% concession, which means candidates of that category need to pay only INR 5500.

2). Children from newly formed territories of Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, and 8 North eastern states ( Assam, Sikkim, Nagaland, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur) are eligible for 75% concession.

3). Children with physical disability are eligible for additional concession like extra time on exam and assistant writer depending on their disability.

Examination fees

Single group: 1825 for Indian centres,$325 for overseas centres.

Both groups: 3300 for Indian centres and $550 for overseas centres.

Documents Required for CA Finals Examination

Mark sheet of CA foundation exams.

Mark sheet of CA intermediate exams.

Recent passport-size photo.

Signature of student.

Nationality certificate of the student. (for foreign students)

Special category document (for SC/ST/OBC/Differently Abled).

Important Details Required for CA Finals Registration

Students and their parent's names.

Date of birth.


Mobile number.


Email address.

Social category.

Roll number

Marks of CA inter/IPCC.

Scanned mark sheet of CA inter.

Eligibility for CA Finals Registration

  1. Students must fulfil all the eligibility requirements by ICAI before submitting the registration form.
  2. Students must pass the CA intermediate/CA IPCC examination with a minimum of 50% and 40% marks in each subject.
  3. Students must have completed at least 2.5 years of articleship training.

Point to be Noted before the Registration Process

  • Make sure to clear the device cache before starting the process.
  • Avoid attempting the registration process from mobile.
  • Do not fill out more than one online form from the same device.

In case of any technical and other issues while registering, you can email the ICAI helpdesk given below:- (for technical issues) (for CA final registration)

CA Finals Registration Validity

1.      The CA finals have five years of registration validity, you can try up to ten times in 5 years. You have to re-apply if you fail during these 5 years.

2.      The new registration methods allow users a ten-year enrollment period for the CA finals.

3.      Once you have successfully registered for the CA final examination, make a plan for study.

4.      Create a study timetable.

5.      Gather all study materials, including books, ICAI modules, and practice manuals.

6.      Use mock test papers and papers from past years to familiarize yourself with the exam format.

7.      Give extra attention to high-weightage and challenging topics.

8.      Make at least two revisions before exams.

9.      If there are any subjects that are challenging for you, then enrol yourself in a coaching institute.

10.  Continue your articleship to gain exposure in areas related to CA finals.

11.  Keep up with ICAI updates.

12.  Participate in study groups.

13.  Maintain a balanced lifestyle to stay focused.

Admit card for CA finals.

The ICAI typically releases admit cards 14 days before the exams. For the November 2025 exams, the admit cards are expected to arrive in mid-October.

Note: This is an expected date based on the exams from the previous year; the exact date will be announced by the ICAI.

For up-to-date information, please check the ICAI's official website regularly.

Important Notes for Admit Cards

1.      ICAI will not provide a physical admit card, so students must download the admit card from the official website.

2.      Candidates can only download their admit cards three times, so for future reference please make multiple photocopies of admit cards.

3.      The admit card contains the candidate's name, photograph, roll number, centre details, exam dates, and timings.

Admit cards download process

Visit the ICAI portal.

Log in and go to the admit card section.

Download or print your admit card.

Details mentioned on the admit card-

Candidate's name.


Exam dates.

Exam timing.

Centre details.

Roll number.

Ensure all details are correct; if not, then contact ICAI immediately.


The CA Finals is the toughest stage in the CA course because of its vast syllabus, and to clear the CA finals students have to start preparation from day 1. With the right preparation, strategy and dedication you can clear the CA finals. Students, who have a certain educational certificate, can skip the CA Foundation course and take direct entry into the second level which is the CA Intermediate Course.


How can I register myself for the CA finals for May 2025?

You can register for the CA finals through the self-service student portal by ICAI.

What is the CA final registration fee for Indian students?

INR 22000 only.

What is the CA final registration fee for foreigners and NRI students?


Can CA finals registration be done online?

Yes, you can register for the CA final online via the ICAI student portal.

How many years of articleship is important for CA final registration?

Students must complete 2.5 years of articles.

What are the deadlines for CA final registration?

CA final exams are scheduled every year in May and November. The ICAI accepts registration for May from January 1 and for November, March 1, 2025, to March 14, 2025, without late fees. The last date to register is March 17, 2025, with a late fee.

Can I check my CA final registration?

Yes, you can check your CA finals registration process through ICAI's students service portal.

What is the eligibility for CA finals?

Students who have passed the CA intermediate/CA IPCC examination with a minimum of 50% and 40% marks in each subject and who have completed 2.5 years of articleship training are eligible for CA finals.

Can students skip the CA foundation and enter directly into the CA finals?

Students who have a certain educational certificate can skip the CA foundation and enter directly on CA intermediate but students have to clear their CA intermediate with a minimum of 50% and 40% marks in each and also have to complete 2.5 years of articleship training.

Who conducts the CA final exams?

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

How many CA final exams are held in a year?

2 times a year, May and November.

What is the language used for CA final exams?


What is the CA finals exam mode?

Offline, students must have to select their centre, and they have to pay 3300 for Indian centres and $550 for overseas centres.

What is the duration of a CA final exam?

3 hours.

What are the total marks for the CA finals?

600 marks.

What are the passing criteria for CA finals?

40% marks for individual subjects and 50% marks for aggregate.

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