CA Exam Test Series Fee Structure | After discount Price of CA Exam Test Series | Coupon Codes


Fees for the Test Series for the CA Course are designed according to the plans that the students opt for and are kept as affordable as possible. The fee structure for all the CA Courses is uniform all over India and affordable too. GM Test Series tries to keep the fee as reasonable as possible and focuses on providing the finest test series to all aspirants. The main goal that the GM CA Test Series focuses is on to provide the best Test paper quality to the students. CA Test Series for Detailed Test Series for CA-Final is Rs. 375 per subject for Nov 2024 CA Test Series. The fee for the Unscheduled Test Series also varies from Rs. 400 to 775 for the Sep 2024 and Nov 2024, and Jan 2025 and May 2025 CA Test Series. Fast Track and Full syllabus Test Series fee is around Rs. 200 per subject. all these prices are the best affordable options for CA test series for CA Final and Intermediate levels all over India which makes it the best price for CA-related test series.

There is a discount of 35-40% in the Fee structure when it is off-season from June to August and Dec to Feb and shoots up in the on-season with Discounts up to 10-15% from August to October and Feb to April. For the CA Final course, Rs.450 is affordable for a single subject as 5 individuals and 1 Full Mock is conducted in it. For CA IPCC, Rs 375 per subject is the Price for 6 Module wise and 1100 mark Exam. In CA Intermediate, charges are kept at Rs 375-400 for 5 Breaks and a Single complete paper. We have also kept a reasonable fee structure for CS Executive Tests and Professional Courses.

The main intent for which you need to pay is the Quality Test Papers and the World Class Checking we provide. We never compromise on Quality, supreme essence is provided to every Test Series student. Ask us a query anytime and we will be with you at late hours even. No one can ever render you such a good quality in such a low-fee morphology. We have attached below the Per Subject details. You can have an understanding of the same.

Kindly note that the below fee details are for the off-season which keeps on fluctuating. GST and all the Taxes are included in what is shown. Many times students have a query whether GM Test Series Fee charges are cum taxes or not. So we have already made it clear. Don’t go for Costs, go for the Branded endowment. Don’t think much, you can now easily score an exemption in all your Courses by simply going with the Lowest possible Fee structure in India, Delhi, and Mumbai.


ParticularsCA IPCCCA INTERCA Final (Old Course)CA Final (New Course)
One Subject315315375375
Two Subjects630630750750
Three Subjects94594511251125
Four Subjects1260126015001500
Five Subjects1575157518751875
Six Subjects1890189022502250
Seven Subjects2205220526252625
1st Group1260126015001500
2nd Group945126015001500
Both Group2205252030003000
NOTE – Prices Quoted above are after Taxes
NOTE - Prices are after the applicable Discount

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Q-1 Do we have to write the tests on the same day of the schedule?
Q-2 Chapters mentioned in the test schedule are as per which book?
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