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Topic:A Note from GM Test Series Management related to Dec 2021 CA Exams ?

NanakpreetPosted on 1st December,2021 06:31 PM

First of all, we wish all the CA Students the best wishes for upcoming CA Exams starting from next week. All the students have worked really hard and we pray that all of our students clear the exams with flying colours. Written practice before exams has become an important pillar in getting a good score and there has been an increasing trend among students for writing test papers and improving their skills. GM Test Series has got 1,11,333 copies for evaluation in this attempt which is 4 times more than previous attempts, this shows how much the students trust and believe in our services for getting themselves prepared for their exams. Our team of 101 Chartered Accountants and 12 Company Secretaries has been working since last 87 days to provide services to our student fraternity. We were working even on Sundays and also on late nights to provide you Evaluation in time and solve all your Doubts and issues. There was even no holiday on Diwali and other festivals as were focused on providing timely results. In the last 12 days the copies increased at a great speed and there was a slight delay in the evaluation of the test papers. Students were demanding for increasing the validity of test papers post 30 Nov but as we had more than 4500 copies pending evaluation, so we had to clear all the pending notebooks prior to 4th of Dec 2021. We are also in process of increasing the validity of test papers upto 15 Dec for Group 2 or both group students but that decision will be taken after 3rd Dec 2021. We wish all the students the very best wishes for the upcoming Dec 2021 attempt and our team is always with you.
Main Category: STUDENTS | Sub Category: Chartered Accountancy | Reply Count: 28 |

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