can anybody confirm how many days it takes to get evaluated answer sheet.I submitted test on 20 April and still not evaluated.
Main Category: STUDENTS |Sub Category: OTHERS |Reply Count: 2 |
Parth Jayesh Jethwa says Replied on 25th April,2024 11:49 AM
it should be checked in 2-3 days, sometimes if the answersheet is blur they won't check it and write a note instead to send it to their respective gm,check that once
Shreya Sonal Yadav says Replied on 24th April,2024 09:57 PM
it usually takes 2-3 days, if your evaluation is delayed you can contact them and ask.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Regarding Test Series
Q-1 Do we have to write the tests on the same day of the schedule? Q-2 Chapters mentioned in the test schedule are as per which book?
Parth Jayesh Jethwa says Replied on 25th April,2024 11:49 AM
it should be checked in 2-3 days, sometimes if the answersheet is blur they won't check it and write a note instead to send it to their respective gm,check that once
Shreya Sonal Yadav says Replied on 24th April,2024 09:57 PM
it usually takes 2-3 days, if your evaluation is delayed you can contact them and ask.
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