Under PMLA Act,2002 , section 8 what is the period of attachment?\r\n...Read more
What is the provision for remuneration of Arbitrator?\r\n...Read more
Explain the concept of cooling period in the Tenure of Independent Director as per section 149 of the companies act 2014...Read more
Will the office of the director becomes vacant if he is disqualified under section 164(2) of the companies Act 2013?\r\n...Read more
What is Ad hoc arbitration?\r\n...Read more
Can a financial creditor against whom there is no default, can file application to A on behalf of others against whom de...Read more
Whether the shareholder being a member inspect register if debenture holders?\r\n...Read more
The prohibited capital transactions under FEMA includes Real estate business. What is the definition of real estate busi...Read more
What is the difference between securitization company and asset reconstruction company?\r\n...Read more
A person resided in India during previous year less than 182 days but in Current year he came to India for business and ...Read more
NBFC can be a corporate person, then why here it is treated invalid application?\r\n...Read more
What if operational creditor violates terms of resolution plan?\r\n...Read more
Under IBC, limit of turnover for appointing a legal and consulting firm as resolution professional under regulation 3 is...Read more
What is the meaning of extortionate credit transactions under IBC? (Section 50 )\r\n...Read more
What is the meaning of shorter notice?\r\n...Read more
What is pari pasu clause?\r\n...Read more
Within how many days of incorporation a company should have its registered office?\r\n...Read more
Whether surety is discharged due to forbearance of creditor to sue the principal debtor??\r\n...Read more
For voluntary winding up what is voting percentage of creditors?\r\n...Read more
If at the adjourned meeting also quorum is not present in half an hour and the meeting is held will the meeting be consi...Read more
What would be the impact of RUN..Reserve Unique Name facility on the name reservation sec 13 of Companies act 2013. Will...Read more
If a director is paid compensation for loss of office which he was not entitled, can company recover the amt from him , ...Read more
Is there any time limit within which the resolution professional has to be appointed?\r\n...Read more
As per Company Law a company must have registered office within how many days 15 or 30 days?\r\n...Read more
Explain the Section 106 Restriction on Voting Rights.\r\n...Read more
What is the effective capital?\r\n...Read more
Under companies act the limit for maximum number of members are 200 If such private company members crosses the prescrib...Read more
Whether company pays dividend on the amount received as calls in advance?\r\n...Read more
Whether Additional directors will be counted in total no of directors for computing rotational directors u/s 152(6)?\r\n...Read more
Computation of managers remuneration?\r\n...Read more
What is meant by loan represented by book debt?\r\n...Read more
Can charitable contribution be in kind under section 181?\r\n...Read more
Explain the section 174(4)\r\n...Read more
Is there any difference between chairperson of the board meeting and chairperson of the company?\r\n...Read more
Section 3A- Whether the members are liable only for the debt contracted by the company, after 6 months or for all debt o...Read more
Does intercorporate deposits counted as loan in section 186?\r\n...Read more
Corporate law Institute material has applied the section 23A penalty to a stock exchange that fails to furnish books of ...Read more
What are the benefits of exemptions of Government company ?\r\n...Read more
A subsidiary company cannot hold shares in its holding company. If a question like this came in examination and ask to w...Read more
If a shareholder dies without keeping any one as nominee. And he dont have any legal heirs. In such situation what happe...Read more
A company can pay dividend in the form of shares of the company to its shareholders.\r\n...Read more
What happens if the chairman does not uses his casting vote in the situation of equality of votes in the passing an reso...Read more
Independent director Posted on 8th January,2021 05:15 PM
Is there any provision in companies act that an Independent director cannot be a managing director or a WTD or a nominee...Read more