Mentorship Program for CA students

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Mentorship Program for CA students

Last updated on 21st Dec,2024 Eye Icon4429

“Mentorship Program” for CA students

Mentorship means the connection and sharing the information between two people with having same goals; Mentoring helps the students to learn from the experts and receiving various valuable advises and helps to generate the innovative ideas. In such type of program the student will be twined with the mentor who will be experienced and guide the student in their mentor ship journey.

From the mentor-ship program students will be able to know their unique strengths, values and story and how to reach their purpose by holding the hand of their mentor. With the help of technology it has now become very feasible for everyone around the world to take advantage of such services.

Like in the childhood days we take help from our siblings or parents to understand the things deeply same way when we step into the professional world we also need the teacher to guide us and show us the best pathway. Same as we know CA study which comes under the most difficult course in India and if we check the data then only 10% is the passing result so we can easily imagine how hard the ICAI has set their standards of checking.

Moreover the syllabus for the CA exams is too vast and consequently many of the candidate comes into depression and the reason behind this is simple, they need someone support that helps them to motivate and encourage them to clear the exams.

Another drawback arises where the students face the issue is in the presentation skills, this program would help the students to present the answers in an effective way so that they won’t lose marks irrespective of so much of hard work. There are numerous test series in the market that provides this service but which one provides the best only the students know. From my research I have concluded that GM Test Series “Mentorship Program” nowadays has emerged as the best test series for CA aspirants and the reasons behind these are described below:

§  Daily targets are allocate to the students which includes the schedule starting from waking time till night (it simply means they will be provided with time table that at which time they need to study the particular subject.

§  GM not only provides the mentor ship service to the CA but they also gives the same service of guidance to the Company Secretary (CS) or Certified Management Accountant (CMA) applicants.

§  In this program it has been also advised that whether students need to study the theory part first or practical so that whole syllabus of every subject would be covered before hand and students would get a chance to do the revision properly.

§  This initiative has become gemstone for the working CA aspirant; means those who are doing job along with CA study can now organize their schedule accordingly.

§  Additionally, the students will also get a chance to talk and communicate with their mentor if they face any difficulty or have any doubt in their course before exams, their queries would be given priority.

§  After completing with the schedule time table then the students are provided with written tests and the students needs to attempt the test with the time frame and the analysis of those tests then done by the CAs.

§  As a consequence, the student learns the management of time which plays an important part in the exams.

To sum up I would say if with a small amount we can save our time and learn the productive things then we should not miss a chance to grab that opportunity and without giving a second thought we must take a help of the expert faculty.

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Q-1 Do we have to write the tests on the same day of the schedule?
Q-2 Chapters mentioned in the test schedule are as per which book?
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