Whether computer softwer of fixed asset are intangible asset?\r\n...Read more
What is meaning of not ratified in sec139(2)\r\n...Read more
Audit limit of 60 tax audit per partner will be counted per partnership firm for 1 partner or aggregate of all partnersh...Read more
If Mr X is an individual auditor and also a partner of XYZ and company Mr X is appointed as an auditor of ABC cmpa...Read more
Is Written representation is considered as an audit evidence?\r\n...Read more
State various factors that help to ascertain sufficient and appropriate audit?\r\n...Read more
What is the meaning of disclaimer of opinion under SA 705?\r\n...Read more
Difference between Company Registration and Company Incorporation?\r\n...Read more
Is a CA in practice permitted to pay earnest money or security deposits in respect of tender?\r\n...Read more
In clause 10 of part 1 of First Schedule of CA Act a CA in practice is not allowed to charge fee based on percentage of ...Read more
If an auditor willfully Contravenes the provisions of Section 139 to 148 then is he liable for penalty under secti...Read more
APQ Ltd.deals in real state and classifies all of its land holding under current assets as inventor .The same is therefo...Read more
Specific reserves may sometimes be created under contractual obiliation or legal compulsion.Explain with examples?\r\n...Read more
In a regulated sector. A company has overall average turnover of Rs. 52 crores and the aggregate of individual product t...Read more
In a regulated sector. A company has overall average turnover of Rs. 52 crores and the aggregate of individual product t...Read more
Is external auditor himself can be a engagement partner to other partner of a firm ?\r\n...Read more
When auditor obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence.. concludes that misstatements are pervasive only but ...Read more
If a persons mother and father were holding securities of rs 100000 face value each in the company X. Then that person i...Read more
What is the relationship between the sampling risk and Audit sample.\r\n...Read more
What is the difference between the reasonable assurance engagement and limited assurance engagement.\r\n...Read more
Professional skepticism is necessary to the critical assessment of. Audit procedures OR Audit evidence.\r\n...Read more
Is auditor should mention the facts in the engagement letter even though they already given under law?\r\n...Read more
What is analytical review?\r\n...Read more
What is the difference between random selection and haphazard selection in audit sampling techniques.\r\n...Read more
How the tolerable error is directly related to materiality?\r\n...Read more
What is the difference between Information systems and information technology in Audit Of Automated Environment?\r\n...Read more
An unlisted public company has to appoint internal auditor at the time of commencement year or not?\r\n...Read more
What is the difference between engagement documentation and audit documentation.\r\n...Read more
Does engagement letter should include the inherent limitations of the audit?\r\n...Read more
Who is engagement quality control reviewer?\r\n...Read more
Is tax audit report applicable for insurance companies?\r\n...Read more
Difference between reasonable assurance and limited assurance\r\n...Read more
In dividend policy chapter which is to be solved under Walters model of dividend policy where return on investment...Read more
Please clarify the difference between Key audit matter and emphasis of matter in the auditor report\r\n...Read more
Please clarify the difference between fair presentation framework and compliance framework as per SA 700?\r\n...Read more
Internal controls to be take care by the auditor while veryifying the documents kept the client in a safe custody locker...Read more
Kindly explain the meaning of inappropriate audit opinion. Reference audit risk definition?\r\n...Read more
Assurance and consultancy in internal auditPosted on 8th January,2021 05:15 PM
What is the difference between assurance and consultancy in internal audit explain with clear examples\r\n...Read more